15 Oct 2021

Return to School Organisation for Week 3
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
Important Information for returning to school starting from Monday 18th October
Kindergarten and Year 1 students return next Monday - 18th October
Kindergarten and Year 1 students will commence lessons with their teachers, in their classrooms, as of this date.
All other students who attend BSPS in Week 3 will continue to work online with teachers providing supervision only. Please keep your children at home if at all possible.
Important Information:
1. Parents on the School Site: Parents will not be permitted onto school grounds as of Monday 18th October with the exception of:
a. Parents dropping students at Before and After School Care. Please use the Flushcombe Rd Gate only.
2. School Gates: All School gates will be locked until 8.55am. The Flushcombe Rd pedestrian gate will be open from approximately 7.15am.
a. School Boom Gate: will be in operation from 8am to 4.15pm daily.
3. Student Drop Off Points and Pick Up Points:
a. Morning Drop-Off: Gates will be unlocked at 8.55am. Parents may come on to the school oval and front grass only to drop children off.
b. Afternoon Pick-Up: Gates will be unlocked at 2.55pm. Parents may come on to the school oval and front grass and driveway only to pick children up.
4. Staggered Finishing Times:
a. Kindergarten, Year 1 and Year 2 students and their older siblings will be dismissed at 3.00pm. Parents need to be at the school gates or designated pick up areas by 3pm.
b. The remainder or the school will be dismissed at 3.15pm.
5. School Canteen: The school canteen will not operate in Week 3. The canteen will commence operations on Monday 25th October- Week 4.
a. Recess and lunch orders only- there will be no counter sales.
6. Masks: Any adult who comes on to the school oval, front grass or driveway to drop or pick students up – must wear a mask and socially distance.
Detailed Information about BSPS’s Return to School Plan has be provided on Face Book, the School App and in the School Newsletter and in the Notes section on the website.
Thank you for ongoing support. We are very excited to be welcoming our students back after such a long time learning from home.
Please stay safe
Andrew Bowmer